Automated Access API

This API allows you to integrate location data from your vehicles into your web site(s) and/or data collection infrastructures.

There are two API functions at this time.

  1. To return the last location of the vehicles associated with your account.
  2. Return all locations for a specific vehicle between two dates (maximum 500)

The API is based upon an HTTP POST request followed by an XML response.

1. In order to access the last location of all vehicles for a specific user a login and password need to be posted to

For example:

<form method='post' 
  <input type='text' name='login' value='your_login' />
  <input type='text' name='password' value='your_password' />
  <input type='submit'>

The response will be ordered by serial number in descending order and look like:

<status code="100" msg="Success"/>
<vehicle serial="2002348" date="1170813924" lat="49.2520500" 
  lng="-123.1108800" type="18" address="271 W 21st Ave, Vancouver, BC, V5Y" 
  speed="0" heading="0"/>
<vehicle serial="2001452" date="1157654983" lat="49.2521320" 
  lng="-123.1111760" type="17" address="" speed="0" heading="0"/>
<vehicle serial="2001450" date="1168890892" lat="32.7947333" 
  lng="-117.1367500" type="0" address="8999 Gowdy Ave, San Diego, CA, 92123" 
  speed="0" heading="-1"/>

Where the dates are all in unix time format (seconds from Jan 1st 1970), heading is in degrees, speed is in mph (miles per hour), and the type field corresponds to:

Type Meaning
1 Geofence entry alert
2 Geofence exit alert
3 Speed alert
10 Auto Locate
13 Acceleration Alert
14 Deacceleration Alert
17 Movement alert
18 Stop alert
21 Admin Locate
22 User Request
24 Voltage Alert
29 Idle report
30 Stop Report (legacy)
31 Unauthorized movement
34 Starter disabled
35 Starter enabled
36 Door Unlock
37 Start Tow Alert
38 Stop Tow Alert
39 Idle Detected
40 Ignition off alert
41 Ignition on alert
42 Input 3 LOW
43 Input 3 HIGH
44 Input 4 LOW
45 Input 4 HIGH
46 Excessive Speed Alert
50 Input 2 LOW
51 Input 2 HIGH
54 Tow Movement
55 Emergency LOW
56 Emergency HIGH
60 Low battery alert
61 Power Disconnected
62 Low Internal Battery
63 Power Reconnected
64 Extreme Acceleration Alert
65 Extreme Deacceleration Alert
66 Input 1 LOW
67 Input 1 HIGH

The code element of the response XML file contains a status code and a message. The possible status codes are:

Code Message
100 Success
101 Failed, could not connect to database.
102 Failed, could not login with supplied login/password
103 No devices for this account

Test it here using your own account login and password.


2. In order to get the locations for a specific vehicle you need to post login, password, device serial number, start date, and end date to the following: (Please note that dates must be in Coordinated Universal Time and can be in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm format or just yyyy-mm-dd. If hours are used then specify in 24 hour format)

For example:

<form method='post' 
  <input type='text' name='login' value='your_login' />
  <input type='text' name='password' value='your_password' />
  <input type='text' name='serial' value='2002348' />
  <input type='text' name='start' value='2006-02-02' />
  <input type='text' name='end' value='2007-02-03' />
  <input type='submit'>

The response will be ordered by location date in descending order and look like:

<status code="100" msg="Success"/>
<location date="1170444494" lat="49.2492140" lng="-123.1155700" type="17" 
  address="" speed="20" heading="1"/>
<location date="1170444385" lat="49.2472000" lng="-123.1157400" type="17" 
  address="" speed="0" heading="0"/>
<location date="1170444324" lat="49.2452350" lng="-123.1155240" type="17" 
  address="" speed="8" heading="279"/>
<location date="1170444265" lat="49.2432170" lng="-123.1093140" type="17"
  address="" speed="24" heading="324"/>
<location date="1170440329" lat="49.2433850" lng="-123.1078200" type="18" 
  address="4581 Clancy Loranger Way, Vancouver, BC, V5Y" speed="0" 

The code element of the response XML file contains a status code and a message. There is a maximum number of 100,000 locations returned. If you receive 100,000 locations then you should narrow the date range of your search. The possible status codes are:

Code Message
100 Success
101 Failed, could not connect to database.
102 Failed, could not login with supplied login/password
104 Failed, not able to find the device

Test it here using your own information:

Serial # (7 digits):
Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd):
End Date (yyyy-mm-dd):

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